Thursday  February 13

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Village Church of Wheaton is a place where you can explore, discover, grow.

If you have questions about the Christian faith, come and find answers. We welcome you in your spiritual search, because we all share that journey.

If you are a Christ-follower, come and share your journey with others. The church of Jesus Christ is a place where your gifts can be used and where your needs can be met—in community.

In this section, you'll find some specific information.

Questions You May Have explores the ultimate question, "Do I know what wll happen to me when I die?" It looks at that question from the viewpoint of different lifestyles in our culture today.

What About Your Experience with Church? speaks to your impressions or experience with church compared to what the Bible tells us it is supposed to be.

Our Commitment to You lays out 10 basic commitments Village Church of Wheaton makes to you as we seek to be the kind of church that Christ intended.

Schedule/Locations gives you basic information about our meetings and their location. Check here for regular worship times and special events.

Contact Us tells you how to reach us and allows you to communicate with us. You can submit questions, prayer requests, or other concerns.